Prices & dimensions

Personalised Canvas Print:
✔ Delivered in a box, protected by foam or bubble wrap;
✔ The canvas is stretched and ready to hang right away;
✔ Canvas is stretched onto 1,8 cm stretcher bars;
✔ Dried pine stretcher bars that do not bend or shrink over time;

size cost
81 x 51cm 600 kr
76x51cm 550 kr
51x51cm 500 kr
51x30cm 400 kr
30x30cm 320 kr
30x25cm 300 kr
30x20cm 250 kr
20x20cm 220 kr


Pop Art:
✔ jpeg design: 950 kr
✔ design and canvas print size 81 x 51 cm : 1,650 kr
✔ design and canvas print size 51 x 51 cm : 1,450 kr


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